Monday, December 12, 2005

All the Things my mom said NOT to do!

So I'm not really sure if this stuff rains true at other college campuses but at Bethel which also happens to be a Christian college it does! All my life my mom has said not to do certain things or other adults or it's just things that are expected that you won't do! For example!

1. Hitch Hiking.... (don't do it!)
With in the first two weeks of school i had done this, but it was definetly a one time thing! I was on my way to mcDonalds with some rather lazy people and the decided it would be funny to try and hitch hike! Well someone picked us up! In the back of a pick up i normally would not have done this but at this point it would have been worse for me to stay by myself, and i was with a few guys i definetly would not do this one by myself!

2. Talking to Strangers!
Well i do this all the time, i don' think i've ever met so many people in odd settings but it's normal to strike up a converstaion with pretty much complete strangers and some they even get married some day...not me!

3. Pick up Random people in your car!
Yup thats right see someone walking back to a dorm offer them a ride especially if its cold outside!

4. Get in cars with people you don't know!
Yup i get in cars with people i don't know or have just met normally i know them through way of a friend and go with people i know but honestly when was the last time your mom just let you get in a car with somone she didn't know let a know someone you didn't know!

5. drink caffine before bed
This is a regular occurance you just never know when your going to have a craving for DC (diet coke!) drank 2 fountain ones from perkins last night at 12 in the am! i know stupid! hey i was asleep by 2! and up by 7

Well i think thats all i got!


Jackie said...

It's amazing you're still alive, :)

Brianna said...

You are so bad.

Anonymous said...

I'll get you, my pretty!