Tuesday, March 28, 2006


First Name: Cara
Single or Taken: SINGLE
Birthday: January 21st
Siblings: Danae Joy, (17) Nate (18)
Eye color: "Blue" I use quotes b/c thats what it says on my drivers license but they change colors frequently!
height: somewhere between 5'5" and 5'6" give or take a few according to the nurse @ Mayoclinic North east! wow what a wonderful nursE!
What are you wearing right now: Jeans, with my adidias sandles, a bethel shirt and a navy blue hoody!
Righty or lefty: Righty (I always wanted to be a lefty i thought it was cool!)
Can you make a dollar in change right now: I think i did it yesterday so i could buy a water before i worked out!

Who are your five closest friends?: Brianna, Dom, Mandy, Roomates!(theres five i gotta include them) so i went over and also like brie this does not include family!
Best place to go for a date: to go on a date would be nice! preferable not to White Castle or McDonalds i got asked to both yesterday i said a big fat "NO"

Favorite place to shop: Gap, Old Navy
Favorite kind of pants: Jeans!
Color: Pink and Yellow, I just like color!
Animal: hmmmmm this is a toughy! i like cows i'm not allergic to them!
Drink: Diet Coke, and coffee!
Sport(s):Volleyball to play! Dancing to do and watch!
Fast-Food Place:Culver's!
Month: January i was born in it! but i like the fall and spring months and summer is nice too!
Movie: hmmm i like a lot i can never remember them! generally the corny romances that are the same story line every time!
Favorite cartoon character(s): the little mouse that goes "andalay andalay" however you spell that!

Have you ever:
Smoked: NOPE!
Bungeed: NOPE!
Made yourself throw-up: Are you kidding...i do everything i can to prevent it!
Eaten a hot dog: You betcha i'm american aren't I!
Put your tongue on a frozen pole? Unfortunetly more than once! I didn't trust the first time!
Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yuppers!
Broken a bone: my toe?
Been in a police car: Yes! more than once...
Been on a plane:Yes
Been in a sauna:Yes
Been in a hot tub:Yes (i have one hehe!)
Swam in the ocean: Yes, but i'm bad at not getting the water in my mouth! i prefer the walk on the beach more so!
Fallen asleep in school:Yup I actually fall asleep very quickly in class unfortunetly
Ran away? I tried it didn't go well!
Broken someone's heart?: Not that i'm aware of!
Fallen off your chair: Sadly yes!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: Nope i can't recall a time!
Saved e-mails:Yep, lots~ You should see them all...just from my mom!
Fallen for one of your best friends:Yuppers
Used someone: My brother and sister would both say yes!
Been cheated on: havne't had the opportunity to be cheated on!

What is:
Your good luck charm? hmmmmm what are those for!
Best song you ever heard:Fringes and Come
Stupidest thing you have ever done: hmmm thats hard one i've done a lot of stupid stuff!
What's your room like: In Roch it's yellow with Daisy's and at school well it's a hodge podge
Last thing you said: Bethel University Admissions How my I Help you!
What is beside you: water bottle and a sudoku
Last thing you ate? sadly a donut hole
What kind of shampoo do you use?:Suave
Best thing that has happened to you this year?: I got accepted....to a Nursing School!
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Got Accepted to nursing school i have to leave my friends!

Have you had:
Chicken Pox:Yes
Sore Throat:Yes
Broken Nose:No

Do You:
Believe in love at first sight: nope, but I do believe in love!
Like picnics: yip yip
Like School: I like going to class and being with friends i do not like homework or tests!

Would you/what is:
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000?: Heck yes!
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you? Smart ones!
Who was the last person that called you? Kari Harrington
Who was the last person you slow danced with: I think it was my jr. homecoming so that would be Jon Aaland
What makes you smile?: hmmm lots of things, sunshine, Singing my favorite praise and worhsip songs, my roomies, getting calls from people i love, telling people i got accpeted to Nursing school.

Who is the last person:
You yelled at: This is cool i dont' remember
Who told you they loved you: My mommy
Who is your loudest friend? : hmmm probably Chris Harrington!

Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out:Yes it takes away from the Homeworkness!.
Do you wear glasses or contacts: used to wear real nerdy glasses they still take up half my face
Do you like yourself: learning to more and more!
Do you get along with your family:Yuppers for the most part!
Obsessive? about Diet Coke, and Coffee,
Compulsive? nail painting!
Suicidal?: No way Jose

Love Life:
Do you have a crush? Yea i think so
If so, do they know???? No i do not think so
What is so great about them?: Ya know i'm not really sure! guess i should figure that one out!

This or That:
Skiing or Boarding:I'd rather ski the water kind
Autumn or winter:Autumn
Silver or Gold: how about White Gold
Diamond or pearls:Diamonds they are a girl's best friend , but I love pearls too!
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset but sunrise is great if you are up all night with lots of great people!
Sprite or 7up?:neither
Orange juice or apple juice:Apple
Cats or dogs: I like them both when they are babies but when they grow up i become more particularly
Coffee or tea?: I love them both!
Phone or in person:In person 100%
Youngest or oldest? Um...what is this referring to??? I'm so confused..
Indoor or outdoor: Out if it's nice, in if it's 900 below zero

Final questions:
What are you listening to right now? Humm of the computers and the keys clicking
What did you do yesterday: School, decapitated a frog, put a hook through it's heart, dinner in the DC american idol, homework, and all other mundane things!
Where do you want to get married? somewhere really pretty!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Hmmm i like bries answer i would sing really well. Or be a really good actress!
Are you a good driver?:I think so!.
Are you a good singer:I like to pretend but not really although i have improved since i was little! Remember those days brie?
What did you dream about last night: something about living in Ohio i know that it was weird

The End!!!


Heather said...

Congrats on the Nursing School Cara! Where is it?!

Anonymous said...

I save all your emails too!!! Can you believe it?

Anonymous said...

HEY! congrats on Nursing School! I am so proud of you! by the way, I am going to see Aaron Shust on Sunday! Our youth group is taking about 40 people! Wish you were one of them! I love you! Auntie Deedee

Brianna said...

Cara Marie, you sing like an angel!!! Heeheee, you have improved I remember the off-key days, hehehe, I wuv you!

Anonymous said...
