Thursday, February 23, 2006

Confession Time

Well I should have done this a long time ago but i could not bring myself to do so!

Last friday with out even thinking i blindly made myself a............ Yes a twist cone and incase you have been uninformed in the past these do contain chocolate.

Although i made mine in a small plastic condiment dish. However once i realized my massive mistake i quickly discarded of the small cone, it was a very sad day, i must remember to stick to the vanilla.

Unfortunetly later that same day i walked into my place of work...The admissions office at Bethel University. Because it was a friday, we set out donuts in the morning and sometimes cookies in the afternoon. Well i walked in and they had these little cookies out and i with out thinking popped one of these delectible little treats in my mouth. Unfortunetly this little cookie was not a sugar cookie, or a snickerdoodle, or a peanut butter cookie but unfortunetly a.........
You guessed it a Chocholate Chip cookie. I did not realize this offence until i was onto my second miniature chocholate chip cookie!

But i must also announce that i have been extreamly good since these two incidents and avoided all chocholate at all costs. Although at times it has been rather difficult!

In other News...

* Meet and hung out with a fairly attractive individual, over the weekend.
* Applied to Trinity Nursing program
* Didn't get accepted into the Bethel Nursing Program
* It was my moms Birthday...Happy Birthday Mommy!
* It was my cousin Brigs Birthday...Happy Birthday Brigsy!
* Watched my Friend David radford on American Idol. (It's him in the lowe
right hand corner
* Talked to my friend Brianna! She's so fun!
* visited health services twice before i actually got to see a nurse
practitioner. she has crazy hours! So i finally got some good drugs to
hopefully help this never ending cold!
* Hosted 3 girls who were looking at Bethel.
* And i think thats it ... at least all i can think of!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey Cara! I'm sorry to hear about nursing...but keep on applying! Hope you are enjoyiing school! Lets do coffee again soon! Love ya!