Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm bored...

So this is my third night on night shift then i get 2 nights off. It is also my third night out on my own, they uped my patient load to 4 tonight they are all behaving themselves so that is good. Last night was a little crazy, i had a lady who wanted to get dressed at 2 in the morning which is fine...but she was already dressed (in a gown of course) but she was the host of the party that i apparently ruined, by letting crudy dudy's in her house! Oh my! OH and this was just humiliating to her. She also pulled her catheter out just an extra little treat, we of course put that back in! But in my boredom i found this little fun survey it's called "the random survey of strange questions" Lets check it out!

What is your best friend's Mom's name? Miss Jackie
Where is the weirdest place you have a mole? hmmm...the palm of my hand
Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? hmmm... I think Mr. Hougtan, my 9th grade english teacher
Have you ever made out in a movie theater? kiss a boy? eww ;)
What body part do you wash first? my arm
Do you have any peircings?yup 5
What's the strangest talent you have? i don't know!?! any ideas anyone?
Do you have an innie or an outtie? innie
What's your favorite flavored Pringles? original
Have you ever been tied up? probably
What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? hmmm probably talking back, or not doing what i was told when i was told to do it!?!
Do you parallel park or drive around the block? these days parallel park
Have you ever had two dates in one night? nope
How many times have you been cussed out? oh gosh, at work it happens pretty regularly with pt, they go crazy and well ya just dont' know what your gonna get.
Which shoe do you put on first? right
How old are you? 22
Have you ever been to a gay bar? no, but i have been to a drag show...very interesting
Is there one thing all of your ex's have had in common? what x's the guys i've gone out with on dates have all been taller than me which is always a good thing!
Did you french kiss before you were 16? wasn't even kissed!
Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting? nope but i know people that have been cow tipping...thats what happens when you live near iowa
Who is the last person you think about before you fall asleep? i normally hit the pillow and start snoring
Have you ever had a poem or a song written about you? not that i'm aware of...anyone wanna come clean!?
What was your childhood nickname? Freak, beastie, caramarie (those are all courtesy of my best friend brianna...thanks friend) Bear
When is the last time you played the air guitar? oh gosh i dont' know
Have you ever peeked in the opposite sexes locker room? probably not when people were in it though!
What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving? changed my shirt
Have you ever bitten your toenails? NO...contrary to popular belief
How do you normally eat your cookies? yup
When working out at the gym, do you wear a belt? i dont' work out at the gym...but no
Name something you do when you're alone? watch T.V. clean, organize stuff...
Have you ever sniffed an animal's butt? eww gross...only dogs do that
How often do you clean out your ears? daily...or when the feel gross
Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper? scrunch please
About how many times a day do you pick a wedgie? endless or so it seems
Do you have any strange phobias? ummm...i dont' know probably...I don't like peoples feet on me.
Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? probably i tend to do stupid things
Have you ever gotten caught farting while on a date? nope i'm sneaky
Do you want to bring sexy back? Already did ;)

Sorry for lack of pictures thats what happens when your computer is all screwed up and in MN with your dad, and your at work...they will come i promise you...i even found away to do it faster so be prepared for pictures and nothing else...but it could be awhile so bare with me while i just type at you!


danaejoy said...

either way, yay for updating :) it was an enjoyable read with many fun typos ;)

and i'd like to point out that 'cara cara' was another childhood nick name, and that you've put pepper up your nose... and your own hair! :)

ps i updated too :)

Jackie said...

OH know what your talent is.... It's that famour boody know it girlfriend

Nate said...

hahaha, danae, i was gonna say pepper too! hahahaha, i still laugh about that one!

And yes, MANY typos, but that's what lets you know its a REAL cara post! haha.