Thursday, August 24, 2006

I had time!

So a few things to update you on!
Lets see the next day while i was out running errands i decided to eat at Panera by myself i know crazy well even crazier a guy comes out with his friend while i'm eating outside (there aren't as many people out there) and asks his friend where his girlfriend is he then looks at me and asks me where my boyfriend is i honestly tell him i do not have one! So he tells me "then i'm sitting down. He then proceeded to sit with me through my entire meal and have a converstaion with me he asked me for my phone number but i kindly declined but i do have his! I have been encouraged by two peoeple now to actually call him. He is my age and lives about a half hour from me! We'll see!

Other than that i have gone to richmond indianna for the weekend and hung out with the Harringtons and got to see my friend Will who is a Marine and has been in Iraq for several months!

Tonight i am going to the Baldwins a family friend and going to stay the night just to get some more people interaction, plus they are just way fun to hang around with! The have three kids in grades 6, 8 and 10!

I have worked at my job 3 different shifts it's a lot bigger and really different from the Gap back home but fun!

There is something i am forgetting oh my clinical will be on a post op surgical floor of people who have had some sort of reproductive or urital surgeries.

Still forgetting something and not quite sure what it is, GAs is super cheap i only paid 2.53 yesterday can you believe that i'm calling it cheap well it is!

If i remember the other thing i will post later!


Brianna said...

Wow, craziness. You get a lot of guys hitting on you lately! heehee. Cara, I think you sent an email out to everyone, but I didn't get it, make sure my gmail is on your list! Love ya!

Jackie said...

Good to hear you're doing OK cara. Ya little cutie, boys hitting on you and all that kinda stuff. :)