Monday, May 12, 2008


I may have forgotten to actually give you the promised update! I am breathing, but only sometimes these days! To get you up to speed....
I finished my last semester of Nursing School, It was rather stressful, but i pulled through with a rather decent grade if i do say so myself. I am currently taking my last class.... it's called roll transition. We work with whats called a preceptor, we work their schedule and just suck that knowledge in as best we can. In fact thats where i'm at right now, I work night shift with my preceptor Dixie! tonight is 11p-7a. After i get off here i will go straight to work at the Gap, followed by a couple hours of sleep then class at 5-6:50 but then i get to go play rock band which i'm super excited about and then will probably crash all tuesday! But hey I can't miss the party right! ?!?!

In other news, I spent 4 days in florida with 3 of my girlfriends from school, it was just what the doc. ordered after our last semester we spent everyday all day on the beach! and i got myself nice and bronzed! I will put pictures up asap of all of this info once i get on my computer! ;)

I also am helping my friend luke start up a youth group at his church, i'm mainly support, and well he needs girls b/c i think young girls scare him a little;)

Well it's back to work...I think gotta go check on my sleepy patients...and hope they don't need anything...i can't get any medicine out i'm not that special, and my preceptor is outside...(breathing treatment ;-) )


Jackie said...

Thanks for the update Cara. How are you liking those "overnights"?

Cheri said...

do tell us about the cream you had to administer! And the giant --- you know what!