Monday, December 18, 2006


So I figured now that I've been home for a little over two weeks I had better give an update even though, the people who read this are those I have seen and therefore have most likely been apart of my activities! Firstly Lets start with my exciting first night home...
I was greeted by the ladies of ladies night including Miss Brianna Hemmer....oh dang it thats Mrs. Brianna Lewis now! It's a new thing for me! We immediatly left to go get me some dinner then to brie's cozy home to watch ER whooT!
The next couple of days i just hung out, accidently over-slept on my first day back to work...oops!
On Monday thats the first monday i was here not today i took my baby sister to her first college visit, What an HOnor! She wants to go where I went I want her to go there but shhhhh dont' tell her i said so she will love college no matter where she goes! But i have to tell you the cutest thing ever on the way there she said to me "I want to go there because I want to have friends like yours!" When we got home we hung out and watched good ol' Bobby's World, and then headed over to see my parents ringing the bell at sam's, I failed i dropped the bell i guess i'm not qualified for the job! Then it was off to Brie's house for movie night just the girls and below i've included some pictures of this joyful night for your viewing pleasure and i have no idea why they are side by side.!

(above)Us Being cute! (above) Us being our silly selves!
(left) we show off our glorious double chins!

(below)We really did watch the end of the movie like this "the family stone" I highly recommend it!

Above are roommates fall and spring!

Showing off our shows mostly mine! heheh! I love it, my feet never hurt once now my gut thats another story my dress was tight incase you couldn't tell oh yea and the hook broke before the dance so my dress was a piece of work during the dance!

Spring roommates....Love them!

This week I looke forward to wrapping up my christmas shopping, working, and hanging out with friends and family!

Merry Christmas and to all a good night!


Brianna said...

Cute pictures, minus the double chin picture! I have Wed/Thurs/Fri off, let's be friends!

Heather said...

Welcome home friend. You girls are silly...someday perhaps I can hang with you gals!

Jackie said...

I loved reading your update Cara. Great pictures, ESPECIALLY the double chin one :)

Lindsey K. said...

I miss you, Cara! when are you coming back to visit?! Sorry I haven't been good at keeping in touch! Europe: hectic. Holidays and jetlag: hectic. Transition to new apartment and school starting again: hectic. Interim gettin' goin': not as hectic so here I am talking to you! Call me. Love you!