Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Cincinnati Snow Day!!!!

Okay so the snow day was really yesterday...but i didn't get out and couldn't get my computer to down load the "snow" pictures!!!!
The prediction of snow started as early as Sunday night which sends the whole city in to a tizzy!!! They don't know what to do with this white stuff called snow....and they certainly don't know how to drive in it!!!!
Well Monday morning several schools were delayed i looked outside and could not figure out for the life of me why they were it turns out it was just too cold to send those little kiddies off to the bus stop that early now try not to fall over laughing but it was 13 degrees! Can you believe it 2 hour delays and even some cancellations because it was just too cold to go outside...
Well the snow was supposed to start that evening (monday) and it did by around 7pm our night instructor was sure to make sure we were out in pleanty of time so we didn't have to drive in it...It didn't start sticking till probably around 10 o'clock that night...and although its crazy i coudlnt' help but secretly wish for snow day on tuesday.
NOtice you can still see the grass
On tuesday i woke up around 2:00 in the morning i had fallen asleep with the T.V. on ooops!!! But i stayed awake long enough to find out that school for me was not yet cancelled you have to understand this can take up to 1/2 hour because of the endless list of schools they have to go through for northern Kentucky as well as western Indianna and Southern Ohio known as the tri state area...WEll school had not yet been cancelled

I will say that there was also a wintery mix so ice is probable cause... but really the road weren't bad

WEll I wake up at 7:15 am like a good little girl but before i fully wake myself up i check one more time just incase school might be cancelled...and well folks i see it after struggling to keep my little baby eyelids open..."The Christ School of Nursing" but you see i'm a little anal and thats not enough so i got up and was gonna go check the internet when i decided to check my phone and my good friend had sent me a message saying that school was cancelled and to enjoy my snow back to bed I went until almost 11:00 what a wonderful morning....

I was a little worried i woudn't make it up the steep

drive way but my little civic pulled through

I did have to go to work so my "day off" with all that snow was not as productive as it should ahve been! but aww well...I aint complaining.

YOu'll never guess what was uttered at work that night as it began to flurry just flurry mind you I said "oh it's snowing again" and someone said "oh no" and i said "what it's just a little snow." and he said "but we have to drive" crazy ohio people!!!

This was yesterday while i a was trying to make my crappy computer work...Yea for snow days and hot chocholate!!!!! In my favorite starbucks mug!!!! (thanks nate)


Anonymous said...

Nice entry -- glad you got a 'snow day' -- ya gotta love the whole concept of a snow day ;)

Love, Dad

Cheri said...

Glad you got a snow day! Nice to see the pics too!

Jackie said...

yeah for snow days.Hope you enjoyed the extra time off. Nice update Cara.Glad you're doing well.

Anonymous said...

OK I know this is late in reading this but I had to comment on the oh so cool Elgin cheer sweatshirt! LOL! Love it.
Auntie AIM