Seeing as how i was at panera for the whole afternoon doing homework or well trying to when not being distracted by myself and others i decided to treat myself to a highspeed internet blog. (so you can stop complaining about my inability to update!) with this highspeed internet i've also included some pictures!
My life as of late has consisted of school, work, and a new found social life which i am enjoying greatly! Although i am also sad b/c my one good girlfriend in the area decided to up and move back to Mn but while she was here i was lucky enough to meet some great guys who are proving to be pretty good friends, when they aren't trying to be jerks to prove to me that i really shouldn't be hangning out with them...they are silly...b/c it was once said my mom was the only one who can be a bad influence on me!
I only have 5 weeks of school left and one week of finals so that is exciting i'm very much looking forward to the end of this year and being able to just enjoy life and not worry about school! and getting to come home for awhile...although my disdain for cincinnati is becoming less.
Ahh well i've sure i've bored you enough check out the pictures below!
is a mastif and is not full growen! and ryan
My friend Lindsay who left me to go back to MN
Picture of the massive ice storm we had back in February!
Good bye until next time!